Please use the following form to give us an estimation of the volume of your move.

Where our Cartons are highlighted in bold at the end of each room selection, please click the link for a packing guide to each carton.

Please ensure you commit this form by clicking the submit button at the bottom of this form.

Lounge, Dining Room etc
Settee, Large Settee, Medium
Armchair, Large Settee, Small
Armchair, Small Tub Armchair, Small
Occasional Chair Wall Unit
China Cabinet, Large China Cabinet, Medium
China Cabinet, Small Welsh Dresser
Sideboard, Large Sideboard, Medium
Sideboard, Small Mirror
Dining Table, Large Dining Table, Medium
Dining Table, Small Gate-Leg Table, Medium
Refectory Table, Small Occasional Table, Small
Dining Chair Carver
Overmantel Bureau, Large
Bureau, Small Bookcase
Bookshelves Card Table
Grandfather Clock Standard Lamp
Piano Upright Piano Babygrand
Piano Boudoir Grand Piano Stool
Stereo Stereo Cabinet
T.V Nest Tables
Stool Coffee Table
Desk Pictures

China, Boooks Etc
Case Books,Tea Chest Case, China Glass
Case Kitchen Utensils

Wardrobe Fitment Wardrobe 6ft 6
Wardrobe 4ft 6 Wardrobe 3ft
Dressing Table Dressing Chest
Chest of Drawers, Large Chest of Drawers, Medium
Chest of Drawers, Small Bedroom Chair
Lloyd Loom Chair Tub Chair
Linen Basket Table Lamp
Childs Folding Cot Bunk Beds
Divan Bed, Doublet Divan Bed, Single
Bed Settee Single Headboard

Kitchen, Hall etc
Cooker Freezer
Fridge Freezer Refrigerator
Washing Machine Washer Dryer
Vacuum Cleaner Dishwasher
Kitchen Table Tea Trolley
Store Cupboard Hand Sewing Machine
Hall Table Hall Stand
Hall Chair Babys High Chair

Outside Effects
Garden Roller WheelBarrow
Lawn Mower Motor Lawn Mower
Flymo Sunlounger
Hose and Reel Garden Tools, per tool
Dustbin Pair of steps
Garden Seat Bicycle
Pram/Trolley Extension Ladder
Deck Chair Work Bench
Potted Plants Golf Clubs
Any items not listed above please add them to the additional information box on the main quotation page.

Total Volume: